Des Jones - The Art - Portrait - Elaine with Cittern - CN5

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        Elaine Samuels is Desmond's daughter. See a photo and a video of Elaine playing her cittern




Elaine Samuels (Desmond Jones' Daughter) playing her cittern.

The photo show Elaine with Paula (Smith) Tait, who performed a number of medieval flavoured concerts
at Leeds Castle, in Kent, during the late 1990s. They had to make their own medieval costumes!


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Video of  Elaine Samuels (Desmond Jones' Daughter) playing her cittern.

Elaine is performing the Galway Farmer (a Show of Hands number) here, at the Claygate Festival
in March 2016, with Gavin Jones, a former Kindred Spirit Band member, on violin.



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